Have an appointment today and need to reach us? Email us at [email protected]

For all other contact information, visit our Contact Us page.


Thank you in advance for your patience as we navigate this new normal! Your health is our priority which is why we are working diligently in putting new health and safety protocols in place. Our goal is to accommodate everyone as quickly as we can while maintaining a clean workplace environment upon your arrival to our clinic. As we try to do what is best for our collective safety, our team is continuously monitoring and responding to Public Health directions related to COVID-19 and the College of Optometry guidelines. While things may seem different, our commitment and dedication to providing you with highest quality eye care remains the same.


Health and Safety

As part of our COVID-19 response plan, we are implementing the following measures at our clinics:

  • Screening– all patients and guests will be screened before entering the clinic. You will be asked to remain home if you’re experiencing any symptoms or beginning to feel unwell (fever, cough, or difficulty breathing). You won’t be able to enter if you’ve travelled outside Ontario in the past 14 days or had exposure to anyone positive for COVID-19.

  • Reminders– each patient will receive a phone, SMS, or email reminders of their appointment details and screening measures. You will also be asked to fill out a PDF questionnaire prior to your appointment.

  • Cleaning– we have implemented more frequent and enhanced disinfectant cleaning. All furniture and equipment will be disinfected immediately before and after use. Everyone entering the clinic will be asked to use the hand sanitizers provided and come in wearing a mask. All staff will also do their part by respecting hand hygiene practice and maintaining a clean workplace environment at all times.

  • Physical distancing– We will be maintaining a 6 feet distance, other than during necessary testing. We’ll be spacing out our waiting room chairs and reducing the number of people in each office, each day. We will ask you to remain in your vehicle until the Optometrist is ready to see you. Any eyeglass/contact lens pick-ups or repairs will require curbside assistance. Upon entering please respect the physical distancing signage.




Tentative hours: Monday, to Friday from 9am-4pm

For any eyeglasses or contact lens pick-up in Brampton please call 905-450-3848 for curbside assistance. To order a contact lens supply, email [email protected] and have it shipped directly to you.


Tentative hours: Monday-Friday from 9am-4pm

For any eyeglasses or contact lens pick-up in Vaughan please email [email protected]. You may also email to order a contact lens supply and have it shipped directly to you.