Upload My Device
Create a Tidepool account on your computer please use the button below
Upload your device, first install the Tidepool uploader software (one time only):
Video: How to upload your diabetes data – Tidepool Uploader
- Download the Tidepool Uploader Software
- In the pop up window choose save file
- If a window pops open, click run file. Otherwise you will need to look for the installed
- Double click the Tidepool Uploader icon on your desktop to start the program
- Log in to your account at on tidepool uploader
- Choose device from device menu
- Select time zone from drop down menu from upper part of your screen
- Connect the cable to the computer
- Connect your device to the cable
- Click upload on tidepool uploader
***To share data with us on Tidepool account
- First, using Google Chrome, log in to your Tidepool account at https://app.tidepool.org.
- Click on your name on the top, go to the subheading “THE UNITS I USE ARE” and select mmol/L
- At the top of Tidepool Web, you will see your account name with several options below it. One of the options is “Share”. Please click this option
- Please click on invite new member. You will see an option to invite via clinic share code below the empty dialogue box, “Want to share data with a new clinic? Invite via clinic share code”. Please click on that and enter the code: X4JF-V2XR-2ACQ to share your data with our clinic