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Upload My Device


Create a  Tidepool account on your computer please use the button below

Create an Account

Upload your device, first install the Tidepool uploader software (one time only):

Upload Device

Video: How to upload your diabetes data – Tidepool Uploader

  1. Download the Tidepool Uploader Software
  2. In the pop up window choose save file
  3. If a window pops open, click run file. Otherwise you will need to look for the installed
  4. Double click the Tidepool Uploader icon on your desktop to start the program
  5. Log in to your account at on tidepool uploader
  6. Choose device from device menu
  7. Select time zone from drop down menu from upper part of your screen
  8. Connect the cable to the computer
  9. Connect your device to the cable
  10. Click upload on tidepool uploader


Upload Issues

***To share data with us on Tidepool account

  1. First, using Google Chrome, log in to your Tidepool account at https://app.tidepool.org.
  2. Click on your name on the top, go to the subheading “THE UNITS I USE ARE” and select mmol/L
  3. At the top of Tidepool Web, you will see your account name with several options below it. One of the options is “Share”. Please click this option
  4. Please click on invite new member. You will see an option to invite via clinic share code below the empty dialogue box, “Want to share data with a new clinic? Invite via clinic share code”. Please click on that and enter the code: X4JF-V2XR-2ACQ to share your data with our clinic