September is usually seen as the month for re-organization after the slower pace of the summer; a signal for many of us to get back to our routines, with kids going back to school and parents getting back to work. However, with the emergence of the coronavirus, nothing about 2020 has been normal or routine.
Now more than ever, keeping yourself in good health must be a priority. That includes getting back on track with your yearly eye health exam and a visit to your optometrist. At LMC Optometry, we have put in place several procedures for sanitizing equipment and maintaining social distancing which will ensure your safety while in our clinic.
Statistics show that only 43% of individuals over the age of 65 get a regular eye exam, yet 75% of vision loss is preventable and treatable. Don’t be part of the statistic; poor vision is associated greater risk of falls, greater risk of depression and loss of independence and quality of life.
Your optometrist will not only check your eyesight but also verify if there are any underlying eye health issues that may be present but asymptomatic. Certain eye conditions do not present immediate symptoms. They can be harming your eyes and damaging your sight and you would not even be aware of it. Your optometrist can detect eye conditions such as, cataracts, age-related macular degeneration, glaucoma, and diabetic retinopathy early on, and in most circumstances can prescribe treatment to slow down their progression.
Your eyes can also say a lot about your overall health. Your optometrist can identify certain health issues and refer you to your GP or a specialist depending on what they find. Through your eye exam, the eye doctor can detect diseases such as, hypertension, diabetes, high cholesterol, autoimmune disorders, thyroid disease, and certain types of cancer.
Vision is an important sense and the utmost care for your eyes should be a priority! Call to book your appointment with one of our LMC Optometrists!