What can you do to prevent/prepare for COVID-19?
Diabetes Canada is recommending to follow the guidelines stated by Public Health Canada:
Wash your hands thoroughly and regularly with soap and water
Sneeze and cough into your sleeve; when using tissues, immediately dispose of them into the garbage as soon as possible and wash your hands afterwards
Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth
Regularly clean commonly used surfaces and devices you touch or handle.
Try to avoid contact with people who are showing symptoms of respiratory illness, such as coughing
Check national travel advice before planning or taking trips
If you have a fever, cough and difficulty breathing, seek medical care early and share previous travel history with your health-care provider
If you have a scheduled visit with your health-care provider, contact them via phone/or portal first to see what other options you may have (many clinics have increased their use of telemedicine) as visiting a clinic can increase your risk of being exposed to the virus. Follow the advice of your health-care provider. LMC is currently doing most appointments virtually so you do not have to come in to the office.
In addition, you should consider:
Ensuring you have 1-2 weeks-worth of insulin and pump supplies on hand in case you have to self-quarantine
Keeping simple sugars on hand to prevent and treat low blood sugars.
Having Glucagon or Baqsimi (nasal glucagon) on hand to treat severe low blood sugar.
What guidelines should you follow if you get COVID-19?
Follow the Sick Day Management guidelines outlined in the handout below. Stay hydrated. Test your blood sugar/monitor your CGM/FGM more often. Be prepared to check for ketones. Adjust your insulin doses as needed (you may need more). Consider stopping some of your medications (outlined above) – but do not stop your insulin.
Have a ketone meter on hand so you are able to test your ketones. Review the DKA handout below and to educate yourself on how to manage ketones should they be positive.
If you are on an insulin pump, be sure to have extra pens or syringes on hand just in case you have a pump or infusion set issue. Remember, if you have high blood sugars (>14mmol/L) for many hours and have tried to correct, but your blood sugar is not moving: test ketones, change your site, and take a correction via a pen or syringe.
Sick Day Management Resources
Diabetes Canada: Stay Safe When You Have Diabetes and Are Sick or at Risk of Dehydration
LMC Sick Day Survival (Type 1 Diabetes)
LMC Sick Day Survival (Type 2 Diabetes)
LMC DKA Handout
LMC Guide to Hypoglycemia
We sincerely hope you all stay safe and healthy during this time. We will be hosting a Zoom chat on Wednesday April 29th 6-7pm to answer any questions you may have about COVID-19 and Type 1 Diabetes, Sick Day Management or DKA Management (or if you’d just like to chat with other T1D’s during this time!). If you’d prefer to email your questions, please reach out to a Diabetes Educator (mailto:[email protected]).
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